There are several ways to do this. Either email, SMS, or print an invoice.

You can preview an invoice prior t sending it by email. Open an invoice > Share icon > Print as PDF.
When everything is okay, email the invoice. Open an invoice > Share icon > Email.
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There is an email template used to generate the email message. You can find this template in Invoice > Share icon > Modify templates > Email templates.
Open an invoice > Share icon > Send as SMS
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There is an SMS template used to generate the SMS message. You can find this template in Invoice > Share icon > Modify templates > SMS templates. If you can’t see any SMS template yet, try sending one invoice as SMS (just send to yourself), then go back to the SMS template list.
Open an invoice > Share icon > Print as HTML (useful if you don’t have an internet connection)
Or, open an invoice > Share icon > Print as PDF (needs internet)

You need a 3rd party printing app like PrinterShare, PrintHand, etc. You can search for these apps on Google Play. And of course a mobile printer.