The main differences between MobileBiz Pro and Co are:
- Syncing data between devices
- Pro can “clone” its data to several devices by backing up from Device A and restoring this backup to Device B. It’s not a real sync though, just a way to copy data to another device. Only one device can be used at a given time with this kind of setup because changes made in Device B won’t be seen in Device A (unless device B is manually backed up and restored back to device A).
- If you work alone, carry one device most of the time, and don’t mind the manual work to copy data between devices, this may work for you.. just use MobileBiz Pro.
- If you work with someone else (like your partner) and need to share data, this may be difficult process. Merging your invoices is almost impossible if you work the same hours in the day.
- Co was designed to auto sync all devices of your company, whether these devices belong to you or other users of your company. Your company data, stored in the cloud, makes this possible. Unlike Pro, there is no need to manually backup and restore data between devices.
- Users open the app, logs in, and all company data is downloaded to their devices, that’s it.
- Users can be assigned to roles (admin or sales). Only data relevant to sales people are shown to them, admin can see everything.
- If ever you lose your device, just login and your data automatically comes back.
- Pro can “clone” its data to several devices by backing up from Device A and restoring this backup to Device B. It’s not a real sync though, just a way to copy data to another device. Only one device can be used at a given time with this kind of setup because changes made in Device B won’t be seen in Device A (unless device B is manually backed up and restored back to device A).
- Payment model
- Pro is a one-time payment to use all its current features. See on Play Store.
- Co is a monthly subscription service ($4.99 per user per month). See pricing here.