Expert @t Work has highest regards for the privacy of the users (“You”) and our products. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) lets you know how we collect, retain, use, disclose and protect your personal and non-personal information so collected during your interactions with our products and the Website.

Updates and Modifications 

As we grow and face varied challenges, we may require changing, modifying, adding to, or removing, any portion of this Policy, in whole or in part. These changes may be effected any time, for any reason, and without any prior notice to anyone. All such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting on this web page. Our commitment to your online privacy will always reign supreme amidst changes or modifications in this Policy.
Your continued use of the amended Policy signifies your implied consent to such modified Policy.

Personal Information – Collection, Use and Retention

We need to collect certain personal information from the users of the products and/or Website in order to deliver efficient services.
Your name and contact details are used to deliver personalized services associated with the product. This information is vital for proper and effective functioning of the products. Such information is also used to troubleshoot any problem with the products. Besides, we also record this information for administrative purposes.
We may also contact you to inform about the product updates, launch of new products, news regarding our products and/or services. However, you are free to contact us if you wish not to receive any such promotional information. We will take the necessary action as soon as it is feasible for us.
Your financial information, like credit card details, etc., is not stored or recorded in our servers.
Any kind of data entered into the product/app is stored on the device itself before being saved on our cloud storage facilities, which are available to all your other devices. Further, the product/app may integrate with other third party solutions, like Dropbox and Google Drive, and consequently, a part of the data entered into the product/app (e.g., document, customer and sales info, etc.) will be sent to these third party sites for successful integration.
We are bound to keep your personal information private and confidential. We will not sell, rent out, or otherwise trade in, your personal information so collected. However, we do retain such information in our records to meet our administrative, accounting and other legal obligations, for certain duration of time.

Non-Personal Information – Collection, Use and Retention

While you are using our products and/or Website, we may also collect some of your non-personal information, like your IP Address, your Internet Service Provider’s IP Address, etc.
This information is primarily used to deliver customized services and enhance the overall experience of using our product/app. We may also use this information to diagnose and rectify any technical problem in our servers and database. Our personnel may use this non-personally identifying information for internal research purposes on our users’ demographics, interests and behavior, to improve our business practices.
Except as mentioned herein, we do not currently sell, rent out, or otherwise trade in your non-personal information so collected. However, we do retain such information in our records to meet our administrative, accounting and other legal obligations, for certain duration of time.


We use cookies to gather some information while you use our products/apps and/or Website. “Cookies” are small text files, which our servers place on the hard drive of your computer system / smartphone. These cookies do not contain any of your personal information, but they may be linked to your personally identifiable information in order to customize the services and overall experience of using our products/apps and/or Website.
Our advertisers and affiliate partners may also place their advertisements on this Website using their own cookies. Although these cookies are claimed to be absolutely non-invasive of anyone’s privacy, yet we disclaim any liability for any loss incurred due to the use of such cookies.
You may change your browser options and opt not to receive our cookies. However, for a better user-experience, we recommend you to accept our cookies and seamlessly enjoy the products/apps and their full features.

External Links

This Website may contain links to other websites belonging to our promoters, advertisers, affiliates, partners, agents, etc. We do not review, control or monitor the privacy practices of these linked websites. We recommend you to exercise due diligence in transacting with only such partners, affiliates, etc. that are known to protect the privacy of their online users.

Data Security and Protection

We have deployed several physical and procedural measures to prevent loss, misuse, and alteration of any information so collected. No unauthorized person is allowed to access any such information without proper authorization and verification.
However, despite our best efforts to secure all your information, we cannot guarantee its access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction due to unauthorized breach in our systems and/or servers technical and procedural safeguards.


The provisions of this Policy do not apply to the disclosure of information under any of the following circumstances:

  1. Disclosure to government agencies in response to legal processes, like subpoena, summons, etc.; or
  2. Any unlawful or unauthorized access to, and transmissions of, any kind of information from this Website and/or products/apps; or
  3. Disclosure by the customer on any of the publicly accessible media, like Message Boards, Public Forums, Blogs, Social Media Networks, or any other online or offline media.
  4. Disclosure to our agents, affiliates, partners, or advisors who help us operate and improve our offerings. However, we ensure that such parties are under appropriate burden of confidentiality to uphold the provisions of this Policy.
  5. Disclosure to a third party as an asset in conjunction with the sale, or part sale, of our business.
  6. Disclosure as part of internal investigations for auditing and fraud-related procedures.
  7. Disclosure in order to enforce our rights arising out of Terms of Service Agreement.

Contact Us

For any cause, you can contact us by sending an email to We will appropriately respond to your queries at the earliest.