There are instances where Company Logo is not showing up after restoring database. There are different reason why this happens. One reason is that dropbox has not been setup properly, or the location if the logo image has been change.
To fix this problem, simply go to Home > Menu > App Settings > Company Logo, and upload again your company logo.
Follow this guide to add company logo:
Frequently Asked Questions
I have problems importing my items, nothing changed when i imported
In importing of items or customers, it is important to correctly define and map the Column ID and fields to the CSV column headers. When doing the item update using import, it will check for the Column ID defined and use that to determine what needs to be update. If the column ID didn’t match, it will not update the items.
Please read this article to learn and follow how items are imported thru the import feature.
I have a new phone (or lost my phone), how do I get MobileBiz Pro on the new device ?
- Go to playstore and install MoblieBiz Pro.
- Use the email address that you use to purchase MobileBiz Pro, so you won’t need to buy it again.
- Enter your initial setup. – this will be replace later when you restore your backup to the new device.
- Follow the procedure on this link:
I just bought Pro, how can I transfer my trial data?
Please follow the procedure on this link: