Assumption: user already has a dropbox account and has been link to MoblieBiz Pro.  If MobileBiz Pro is not link to dropbox, please check this guide:
There are two types of data we need to migrate:

  • Record data (ex. invoices, items, customers, settings) – resides in the device internal memory
  • Print template (ex. invoice pdf output) – resides on the sdcard

To migrate Record data:

A. Backup MobileBiz Pro from your old device :

1) Open MobileBiz Pro from your old device.
2) Go to Home > Menu > TOOLS > Manage data
3. Click on Backup database.
4. Then Click on Backup Now. This will create a file on your dropbox (Dropbox > mobilebiz-pro > db > backup-Vx-xxxxxxx).

B. Restore the Mobilebiz Pro backup to your new device.

1) Install MoblieBiz Pro on your new device.
2) Link your dropbox to MoblieBiz pro
3) Then Go to Home > Menu > TOOLS > Manage data.
4. Click on “Restore database” > “Restore from”
5. Select “Dropbox” as the file location
6. Then select the first backup file on the list.
7. Then click on the “RESTORE NOW” button.

To migrate print template customization:

  1. From your old device, copy “mobilebiz-pro/ print”  and “mobliebiz-pro / logo” folders to dropbox.
  2. Then from your dropbox, copy the “mobliebiz-pro/logo” & ” mobliebiz-pro/print” directory to the local drive of your new device.