Reports are used to organize or summarize data into a single document. With reports, you can review your company’s information and create decisions.  There are around 15 different types of reports available for MoblieBiz. And these are separated into 3 groups.


  • It contains the Summary of all the Sales for the latest year, represented in a bar chart.
  • It also contains the ff mini report
    1. Top Customers Report.
    2. Top Revenue Products
    3. The Quarterly Sales.
    4. The Total Sales, Number of sales, Average Sale value, etc.

Summary Reports

  • These reports contains the predefined summary for the given year.
  • These cannot be customize.
  • These are the 6 summary reports:
    1. Sales By Year
      • Displays the total sales, total payment and total taxes per year.
    2. Sales By Quarter
      • Displays the sales, payment and taxes per quarter for the given year.
    3. Sales By Month
      • Displays the sales, payment and taxes per month for the given year.
    4. Sales By Customer
      • Displays the sales, payment and taxes per customer for the given year.
    5. Sales By Item
      • Displays the total quantity sold, total sold amount and average price per item sold for the year.
    6. Customer Aging
      • Displays the outstanding balance for each customer.
      • Columns : Current, 1-30 days past due, 31-60 days past due, 61-90 past due and over 90 days past due.
      • This helps users to analyze which customers are not meeting the agreed payment terms.

Saved Reports

  • These reports can be use to customize the output.
  • You can change the Filters, Sorting and Columns to display.
  • There are 8 predefined saved reports.
    1. Sales Register Report
      • Reports sales amount from Invoices, Estimates, Sales Order and Cashsales
    2. Monthly Tax Report
      • Reports the monthly sales amount and the monthly computed taxes.
    3. Customer Profitability Report.
      • This reports list down the profits made from the customers
      • The gross profit is computed by the total amount purchased by customer minus the total product cost.
      • The net profit is computed by the total amount purchase by customer, minus the total product cost, the total taxes and the total shipping cost
    4. Item Sold Report
      • This report list down items that was sold from invoices and cash sales
      • Displays the total quantity sold, the total taxes of the item,  the amount Sold, the cost
    5. Payment Report
      • Display all payment received
    6. Inventory Report
      • Displays the inventory count of all inventory type items
    7. Out of stock Items Report
      • Displays the items that has 0 or less quantity
    8. Items Sold Details Report
      • Displays all items sold per customer.